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Having Biology Class (HBC)

Before start getting bored with this Web. Let's do some trial.

First the event need members (gentlemen and ladies). People who join this Event must obey the rules and behave themselves.

Otherwise our board can decide the removal of the membership.

Secondly we will find a place to have regular gathering. And then as the title, having Biology Class.

Rule 1: We can look at each others body only at first.

Rule 2: Once with the permission of the person, you may touch the body without "sexual intercourse". Which means man can't let your Johnson get into the Rabbit's hole. So do the ladies.

Rule 3: To let people learn their body that mean you should know sensitive physical contact is also allowed. So don't be so shy.

Rule 4: Camera and Video taken are not permitted during the event.

(Rules are subject to change without prior notice by the board)

Those event hold by this group which let us learn and discuss more about male and female body by their personal living experience.

We wanna make some ideal point with events by learning from each others body which can also gaining the Atypical Sexual Arousal or sensational pleasure.

Remember "Respect".

大家想在這裡生活得多姿多采的時候, 讓我們舉辦多一點活動吧。

當然我們開始需要會員, 讓你們認識(HBC)的主旨便知道加入的樂趣了。 由於希望會員能真正地享受過程, 我們期望大家能遵守一點點遊戲規則。

1. 開始時我們只會欣賞對方的身體, 眼看手勿動; 2. 對方批准, 便可以開始身體探索, 但不包括性交。請確保大大的老二都不要進入兔洞穴啊, 淑女也一樣; 3. 所舉行的活動都是因為有親密的身體接觸, 請會員也不需抗拒, 享受整個過程吧; 4. 活動進行時不能拍攝照片和影片, 以保各會員的私隱。


活動細節將會在活動中由舉辦單位為會員介紹。 透過活動我們可更了解男性女性的身體每一處部份。過程中我們更可得到非一般的性快感。


各種話題: 建議, 特殊性喜好, 情色藝術, 調情, 其它, 互外活動, 私人派對, 意見, 性開放
限制: man 或 woman 之間 18 和 35 搜尋 man 或 woman

rm_CakesMaiden 39男

只有已經在AdultXXXDate註冊的會員可以加入此俱樂部。點選 這裡 來註冊。

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